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Work group caricature

For many, the workplace extends beyond friendships merely at work, and can include involvement in social activities out-of-hours. Here is a caricature that celebrates such a group – who enjoying getting away on road trips to interesting places. While the landmark is familiar, we did not get the opportunity to put a UFO into this …

Caricature gift for young film-maker

Its a nice thing when siblings recognise the achievements for their kids, and this was the case when student Joshua Walsh reached the finals of the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival for his film Pencil Town. The caricature was also denoting Joshua’s high school graduation plus including aspects of his family, who he holds …

Liven up your manuals and materials with graphics

How often have you waded through a manual or some training material wishing there were some graphics to liven up the page, or to help mark important points on the page? Too much text, even if broken up by headings and dot points becomes dull and uninspiring to the reader. The use of imaginative graphics …

Avatars a hit on new site

One of the challenges of featuring people’s photos on a website is consistency. The issue is bad enough when people can be taken in the same workplace, but unless they are taken in a  consistent manner, the results are typically variable, and as a result unprofessional-looking. This is further compounded when the people are in …

Caricatures for your blog

When people think of caricatures, they often think of a comic, rather distorted image that due to its humor is good for a fun gift, but little else. However, if you want to broaden your thoughts on what a caricature is, it can include the term avatar, and mascot; and this is exactly why they …

Family caricatures are a lot of fun!

While a photo of a family provides a lasting keepsake, often they are rather posed and therefore lack the fun they possible could show. A family caricature drawing on the other hand, provides the scope to include aspects of people and events that are lost in individual photographic records. Take this family caricature: family characture …

Groomsmen Caricature Gift

One thing harder to find than a bridesmaids gift is a gift for the groomsmen. Often they are a very diverse bunch and a six-pack of beer could be just as welcome as a new tie….as if a tie would be welcome!! One great and popular solution is a caricature. Here at caricatureking we get …

Group caricatures – an alternative approach

We often have requests for group caricatures from parents who’s children are involved in a sporting team. The typical scenario is that they would like to give a gift to the coach/es showing all the team and the coaches as well. Generally the cost of caricaturing the whole team puts the idea out of reach. …